Monday, August 16, 2004

changing your birthday whenever you feel like it.

i just was on, under my personal, account page and i saw a rather odd link that read: "CHANGE YOUR BIRTHDAY." now, correct me if i'm wrong but wouldn't it seem a bit shady for someone to go through with that link? I mean, is that a cheap ploy (coy?) to get people and catch those hackers trying to assume other peoples' identities? "Oh that's right, my birthday isn't July 14, 1982, it's actually January 3, could I forget?" there's something fishy going on here, and i don't like it one bit. i'm stupid about things like this, so maybe there's a good reason for this link...i just laughed, shook my head and couldn't believe it when i read it. oh well. i'm sure it's probably just me. (but really...since when has anyone had the freedom to just up-and-change their own birthday????)


Chalupa said...

I always liked the idea of having an un-birthday like in Alice in Wonderland. hey - did you know shorb's my neighbor now?

Unknown said...

I'd change mine to sometime in the summer or spring... right now it's just way to close to Christmas... (Dec 22)

Neville said...

Yeah chalupa, i just found that out yesterday. You're lucky. Shorb is sooooooooo coooool. Seriously. And Matt, i wouldn't wish too hard...i'm a july b-day and when i was young, the whole 'celebrate the school birthdays' thing was just painful in my elementary years. i always envied those people with fall or spring summer ones always got the shaft. but i suppose at dec. 22 that's the worst b/c you are off school and it's by christmas. sorry mom's is the 23rd. i've come to realize though the most selfless people have b-days around x-mas. so that's a very good thing right?

Chalupa said...

Dude never knew your birthday was in the summer. Mine is this week. Wanted to let you know my copy of How Movies Helped Save My Soul came in the mail today. Can't wait to start reading it.